Terms Of Use

1.Prohibited Activities

You agree not to use any automated means, including robots, spiders, or scraping techniques, to access our website or its content for any purpose without our express written permission. Any attempt to harvest data, including pricing or other business information, for competitive purposes is strictly prohibited.

2.Restricted Use by Competitors

The content on this website, including but not limited to pricing information, service descriptions, and client testimonials, is provided for personal use by our clients and potential clients only. Competitors, or individuals acting on behalf of competitors, are expressly prohibited from accessing, using, or distributing our content for competitive analysis or business advantage.


By accessing this website, you agree that any information you obtain, whether directly or indirectly, will not be used to harm our business interests. You further agree not to disclose any proprietary information, pricing strategies, or business practices to third parties without our express written consent.

4.Intellectual Property Rights

All content, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and designs, is the intellectual property of Cuts by Carella and is protected by copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this content, especially for competitive purposes, is strictly prohibited and will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.


You agree to indemnify and hold Cuts by Carella harmless from any claims, damages, or expenses arising from your breach of these terms, including but not limited to unauthorized access, data scraping, or use of our content for competitive purposes.

6.Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to deny access to our website to any individual or entity at our discretion, particularly if we believe that the access is being used for competitive purposes or in a manner that harms our business.

7.Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms are governed by the laws of Queensland, Australia. Any disputes arising from these terms or the use of our website will be resolved exclusively in the courts of Queensland.